Friday, May 29, 2015

The Perfect Plan

          Hello all, how are you? Can I just start by giving you a big {HUG} and a Thank you! Carl and I are just blown away by YOU, and how God is using you to encourage and love us well.

For those of you who don’t know, the journey to Thailand only began about 5-6 months ago when Carl was actively pursuing our next step as a family and his calling in ministry. Carl, being the God fearing man that he is, began praying and seeking wisdom for what God would have for us. On a number of different occasions God used different men in Carl’s life to point us towards this opportunity with SCPI in Thailand in order for Carl to pursue his passion for global missions. At this point in life we had just taken on a five year old foster child, I had begun a second job with Florida Virtual School (With hopes of staying home with our kids next year), and we had a 5 month old.—So clearly these suggestions were just meant to amuse us… Very funny God.

    As time passed and with Thailand not being a ‘real’ option for our family, Carl began to pursue other avenues for our family, maybe an associate pastor? Maybe a church plant? Or finish his Masters in Divinity? None of these felt like where God wanted us right now.

Carl and I have stated that as a family we would posture ourselves with a “blank check” mentality. Whatever the cost, if God called, we would go… BUT THAILAND? Really God?-- God slowly broke our hearts for his calling. The Word of God convicted both of us, at different points in time. Would we be the Rich Ruler in Luke not willing to sell everything and go? Had the “blank check” been something we were saying for these years but not willing to act on? God, in only the way he can, slowly brought us both to a posture of surrender. On March 8th, 2015 we both agreed, no matter the mess it will bring, we are ready to be sent. In God’s perfect grace he turned our reluctant submission into abounding joy. Carl and I could not be more thrilled to have an opportunity to be a part of the great works God is already doing in South Asia. How great is HE? That he would not just call us, but provide for us the mercies of his Godly Joy?

Tripp helping me pack
Now if that were not enough God has continued to amaze us by providing us with every earthly need to be able to go in such a short time. By God’s grace, I already have a contracted position with an international school teaching 6th grade, we have a contract on our house and are slated to close on June 23rd, and we have been overwhelmed by the financial support that God has already provided through many of you. Thank you Lord!

God Is Good! And we are thankful. Moving forward in this journey we would continue to ask you for a few things-

1.    Would you continue to Pray for us?

a.    Pray that God would continue to give us grace in the moving process.

b.    Pray that the closing of our house would go seamlessly and we could be free of that burden

c.    Pray for us to find an apartment in Thailand & childcare for Tripp

2.    Would you continue to Share our story and what SCPI is doing in Asia?

3.    Would you consider supporting us financially? ( 

Thank you again for all of your love and support. We will update you again soon on more details of the move.


Carl, Leeza and Tripp Belcher

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